Community and Government Relations
Who We Are: The Community & Government Relations Committee is proudly comprised of Chamber members representing government, non-profit organizations, corporations, mid-size companies, small businesses, and entrepreneurs. Committee members work collaboratively to serve as the leading voice for business and economic issues that impact the membership-at-large and business community in the Southern Chester County region and Chester County.
What We Do: Through collaborative efforts of Committee members, including PA State Representatives John Lawrence
(13th District) and Christina Sappey (158th District), representation from the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, Transportation Management Association of Chester County (TMACC), Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC), Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC), Chester Water Authority (CWA), and local municipalities, issues affecting the region and County are brought to the table for discussion and action.
Publication: Relevant topic discussions and supplemental information are then published in the Chamber's monthly e-publication, The Reporter.
When We Meet: First Friday of each month from 8:00 - 9:30 am virtually via Zoom or in -person at the SCCCC office in West Grove.
What We Do: Through collaborative efforts of Committee members, including PA State Representatives John Lawrence
(13th District) and Christina Sappey (158th District), representation from the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, Transportation Management Association of Chester County (TMACC), Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC), Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC), Chester Water Authority (CWA), and local municipalities, issues affecting the region and County are brought to the table for discussion and action.
Publication: Relevant topic discussions and supplemental information are then published in the Chamber's monthly e-publication, The Reporter.
When We Meet: First Friday of each month from 8:00 - 9:30 am virtually via Zoom or in -person at the SCCCC office in West Grove.

Dear Members and Friends,
At the March Community and Government Relations Committee meeting, the top legislative priorities for our Chamber and its Membership were identified as:
Municipal Funding & Support
Economic Development
Food Insecurity
Health Care
Digital Equity
These priorities are broad in nature, and two or three objectives for each priority are being crafted. The identification of these priorities will enable a more strategic approach on specific actions and relationships such as supporting specific legislation at the state and federal level. We will have monthly updates on those topics from the US Chamber of Commerce, the PA Chamber of Business and Industry and maintain constant communications with our state and federal representatives. By purposefully connecting appropriate stakeholders with lawmakers and drive potential legislation we will form strategies to not only build awareness, but influence legislation that can best support our business community.
Of course, these will not be our sole areas of focus, and we will continue to maintain and act on the pulse the business climate and issues impacting our members to provide appropriate action when needed. We will continue to build partnerships with appropriate stakeholders at all levels, tighten the relationships between our business community and our elected officials.
The Community and Government Relations Committee continues to provide newsworthy and timely pro-business facts, figures, and information to our readers. This is not a one-way street, though. We also hope to hear from you so we can best work with local officials to promote our business community and most importantly, our Members. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Chamber at 610-444-0774 or to me directly if you have any questions or comments.

Doug Doerfler, SPHR, Committee Chairman
Community & Government Relations Committee
Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce
Want to join or learn more? Contact the committee chairman or the Chamber.
Committee Chair: Doug Doerfler, Chairman, CGRC (WSFS).
Doug Doerfler, SPHR, Committee Chairman
Community & Government Relations Committee
Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce
Want to join or learn more? Contact the committee chairman or the Chamber.
Committee Chair: Doug Doerfler, Chairman, CGRC (WSFS).